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Miklós Márton Ph.D.

He is a philosopher, currently an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Center for Theory of Law and Society. His main research area is the philosophy of mind, but he has also published works in the field of philosophy of language and metaethics. In the philosophy of mind his main research-topics are definitional problems of physicalism, the relation between phenomenal and intentional properties, and the questions of mental realism. Since 2006, he published and edited books and articles both in Hungarian and in English language.

Most significant publications:
  • The Conceptualist Understanding of Perceptual Content (2010, Hungarian),
  • “One-term physicalism” (forthcoming, Erkenntnis),
  • “Intentional and Phenomenal Properties: How not to Be Inseparatists?” (2022, Philosophia),
  • “What Does the Zombie Argument Prove?” (2019, Acta Analytica).



  • “Mental Fictionalism As an Undermotivated Theory” (2013, The Monist).