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Gaetano Chiurazzi

He is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Torino (Italy) and Director of Project at the Collège International de Philosophie (Paris). He studied and worked as research fellow in the Universities of Torino, Berlin, Heidelberg, Paris, Oxford, Warsaw, and Freiburg i.B. His interests are especially focused in ontology, metaphysics, theory of judgment, philosophy of translation, the relation between nature and culture, philosophy of technology and information, with a particular focus on Ancient Greek Philosophy, Classic German Philosophy, and Contemporary French Philosophy. He is the author of many publications in several languages and his books are translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Serbian.

His main volumes inlcude:
  • Scrittura e tecnica. Derrida e la metafisica (1992),
  • Hegel, Heidegger e la grammatica dell'essere (1996),
  • Teorie del giudizio (2005; Spanish tr.: Teorías del juício, 2008),
  • Modalità ed esistenza (2001; German tr.: Modalität und Existenz, 2006),
  • L'esperienza della verità (2011; Serbian tr.: Iskutsvo istine, 2016; English tr.: The Experience of Truth, 2017; Portuguese tr.: A experiência da verdade, 2019),
  • Dynamis. Ontologia dell'incommensurabile (2017; English and Spanish, 2021),
  • Détours de Derrida (2020); Seconda natura. Da Lascaux al digitale (2021).


Editor in chief:

  • Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica.

