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Daniel Neumann Ph.D.

He studied Philosophy at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, University of Heidelberg, Humboldt University and University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. at Humboldt University, Berlin (2021). Research associate at the Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, Section Classical Phenomenology. Main Research Interests: Early Phenomenology; Realism; Ontology and Metaphysics.

Published volume and studies:
  • Denkende Körper. Die metaphysische Unteilbarkeit des Menschen von Descartes und Spinoza bis La Mettrie (2022),
  • “The (Personal) Experience of Values - Scheler and Hildebrand” (2023),
  • “Gertrud Kuznitzky and Edith Stein on (non) Conceptual Experience” (2023).


Conference organizer:

  • Phenomenology, Reality and Essence (2023).


Current editing:

  • Early Phenomenology and Phenomenological Realism, AUC Interpretationes.