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Csongor Lőrincz

He studied Hungarian and German Philology at Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár/Klausenburg) (1999); he finished his PhD studies at ELTE University Budapest with a dissertation on Medial Paradigms in Hungarian Poetry in the Late Modernity (2004). He was Research Assistant at the Department of Comparative Literature at ELTE University Budapest (2002-2004, 2005), Research Assistant (postdoc) in the eikones Bildkritik research project at the University of Basel, and Associate Lecturer of the Deutsches Seminar at the University of Basel (2005-2008). He is Full Professor and Chair (since 2009) of the Department of Hungarian Literature and Culture at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. Habilitation at the University of Szeged (2014), Doctor of Science (2018). His main research interests include: history and theory of poetry in the 19-21th centuries, performativity in literary language, the relation between language philosophy and literary communication, biopoetics.

International publications related to the themes of the conference:
  • Ereignis Literatur (ed.), 2011,

  • Signaturen des Geschehens (ed. with Zoltán Kulcsár-Szabó), 2015,

  • Zeugnisgaben der Literatur. Zeugenschaft und Fiktion als sprachliche Ereignisse, 2016.